Your reliable partner in logistics


Years of experience


47 machines


1 571 649 tonnage hauled away for 2023 

132 experts




International and domestic transport

Performance of reliable transport services

vizualizatsiya na skladova logistika

Warehouse logistics

Storage and maintenance of any kind of goods

ikona za serviz na kamioni

Service trucks

Repair and service

vizualizatsiya na deynostta - speditsiya


Serious attitude in arranging cargo transportation

ikona za dekonteinerizatsiya i konteinerizatsiya na tovari

Decontainerization and containerization of cargo

Individual and strict look at each load



International and domestic transport

Performance of reliable transport services

vizualizatsiya na skladova logistika

Warehouse logistics

Storage and maintenance of any kind of goods

vizualizatsiya na deynostta - speditsiya


Serious attitude in arranging cargo transportation

ikona za dekonteinerizatsiya i konteinerizatsiya na tovari

Decontainerization and containerization of cargo

Individual and strict look at each load

ikona za serviz na kamioni

Service trucks

Repair and service

The most important priority of SIGDA EOOD is to make the customer satisfied!

We approach the assigned projects and deadlines in a professional manner, in order to make our customers satisfied.
It is no accident that we at the transport company SIGDA  strive to maintain a high level of quality in our forwarding, logistics, warehouse, service, and transport services, as well as in the decontainerization and containerization of cargo.

Another important reason for the success of SIGDA

Safety belongs to our highest priorities in carrying out the company’s activities and as such are integrated into the development policy of the transport company SIGDA.



International and domestic transport

Performance of reliable transport services

vizualizatsiya na skladova logistika

Warehouse logistics

Storage and maintenance of any kind of goods

ikona za serviz na kamioni

Service trucks

Repair and service

vizualizatsiya na deynostta - speditsiya


Serious attitude in arranging cargo transportation

ikona za dekonteinerizatsiya i konteinerizatsiya na tovari

Decontainerization and containerization of cargo

Individual and strict look at each load

The most important priority of SIGDA EOOD is to make the customer satisfied!

We approach the assigned projects and deadlines in a professional manner, in order to make our customers satisfied.
It is no accident that we at the transport company SIGDA  strive to maintain a high level of quality in our forwarding, logistics, warehouse, service, and transport services, as well as in the de-containerization and containerization of cargo.

Another important reason for the success of SIGDA

Safety belongs to our highest priorities in carrying out the company’s activities and as such are integrated into the development policy of the transport company SIGDA.


Our partners

Need an expert? Sigda Ltd will do everything necessary for your needs.

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