History of transport company Sigda OOD

Transport company SIGDA OOD was founded in 2005 in the city of Varna in response to our desire to provide our contractors with a full range of logistics and related services. The company’s main activity is road transport of bulk cargo in the country and abroad. The company developed quickly and in a short time time building a significant presence in the local market.

Тир, марка Рено в дейстие за транспорт варна
Един от тракторите на Сигда ООД - транспортна фирма варна

Development of transport company Sigda

Subsequently, SIGDA Ltd. developed activities in the field of development and the exploitation of open pit mines for the extraction of non-mineral aggregates, activities related to the provision and operation of specialized machines for excavation and construction works, activities related to controlled mechanical destruction of production facilities with specialized destructive and recycling machines of the highest class.

In parallel with this, the transport company SIGDA OOD develops warehousing, containerization and cargo de-containerization, domestic and international forwarding, builds and maintains large industrial construction sites such as landfills, photovoltaic parks, and others, serves logistically to large enterprises and companies, and constantly aims to improve itself in every aspect of its activity.

traktor, pritezhanie na transportna firma sigda ood v deistvie

Detailed history

Професионалните машини са един от факторите отговорини за суровите успехи на СИГДА ООД като транспортна фирма Варна

SIGDA OOD’s main economic activity is “Transport”. The company was founded in 2005. in the city of Varna as a transport company transporting mainly bulk raw materials and finished products. In 2007 the company increases its transport fleet to 10 vehicles. The main cargoes are quartz sands for the glass and construction industry, limestone fractions, kaolin and fireclay. In 2008 the company started activities on the development of quarries for the extraction of quartz sands and limestones. In the same year, with the help of the specialized mechanization of the company (excavators, bulldozers, articulated dump trucks and front-end loaders, etc.), the transport company SIGDA OOD was involved as a subcontractor in the implementation of a project for the removal of old pollution, demolition, construction of a hazardous waste landfill and depositing the same on the territory of the “Old soda plant” in Devnya.


In the period of 2008 until 2010 the company carries out preparation and vertical planning of sites for energy facilities in the town of Devnia, the village of Ravna Gora, the town of Dobrich. With the specialists attracted, a team built and experience gained, the transport company SIGDA OOD is registered in the central professional register of the “Chamber of Builders in Bulgaria” – Fourth group, constructions from the first to fourth category and First group, constructions from the fourth and fifth category. In 2010 the company becomes the main contractor in the service of industrial production with a continuous cycle of work. To meet the needs of its customers, the company is increasing its vehicle and specialized fleet to 42 units.

edin ot strahotnite tirove, sobstvenost na transportna firma Sigda ood.

Transport company SIGDA Ltd. develops its activities with dedication to the needs of its customers. The executive staff of the company is increasing. Additional units of equipment are acquired in view of the increased volumes of the main ones and the attraction of new customers for the company. In parallel with these activities, Sigda Ltd. builds and develops its own open and closed warehouse base and logistics activity. At the end of 2015, on the eve of its 10th anniversary, the company’s staff numbered 270 employees. The company’s fleet includes over 100 units of transport and specialized equipment. Cargo handled and volumes handled exceed 2,900,000 mt annually. With the achieved results, the company is ranked 18th in the ranking TOP 25 COMPANIES IN THE TRANSPORT SECTOR 2015. for Varna.

професионална машина, собственост на сигда оод най-добрата транспортна фирма варна
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